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Goodbye 2017!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas with their friends & family, and looking forward to seeing the new year through.

2017 has certainly been the making for me, yes ive been modelling for over 6 years but this year will forever be in my memories. Ive met some incredible people who have also become close friends to me, ive achieved my goals this year and much more. 2017 has certainly been a creative one not just for me and my team of creatives but everyone in the industry. There has been some fantastic images over on the modelling sites & on the social groups.

This year i have also achieved more publications internationally and i am just waiting for 1 more publication for 2017. Ive also met the most inspirational person i know Bea Wood, who is 2017 miss transgender. I find her inspirational because she is a fantastic lady, who has many people who look up to her as a role model and she has achieved so much to get where she is now. I wish her all the very best for the new year and i hope our paths meet again at the studio sometime.

Its not been all glam and smiles, we have had some roller coasters, times where you feel like you just want to curl up and give up. But what is modelling/photography if you didn't get them? these time are what makes us stronger. Just dust of your shoulders and keep on shining.

My Highlights of 2017 have been The 24 hour Charity shoot for children in need at studio 2212, Even though i Didn't spend the whole 24 hour at the studio myself and Andy Sherg (photographer) did have to travel to Gloucester at 2am to arrive for a 10am studio day with the beautiful Tann Marie and then spent a whole 10 hours there. So really we did do more then 24 hours but it all the money raised did go to an amazing course everyone who took apart raised well over £2000. Brain (studio owner) did an amazing job setting up the whole idea.

My other highlight of this year has been my creative makeup events which i started doing early this year. These events are a big apart of me, i love to get creative but not only that it also give me and everyone else who comes along a chance to network with other artists.

I cant wait to start prepping for more madness in the new year. If you haven't yet already booked on to a creative makeup with me, get booking NOW as spaces to go fast and they are well worth every penny for 4 hours.

so here it is my last post of 2017, I really do look forward to what the new year holds in store. But i do know 2018 is going to be more creative then EVER!!

Happy new Year Everyone!!

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