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Creative makeup 3 - Mrs Jigsaw

Wow another Incredible Sold out shoot at Studio 2212 (Lincoln). For this months Creative makeup Halloween shoot, Working alongside the very Talented makeup artist Dorota Mua.

Our inspiration for this shoot is something i have always wanted to do as i am a big fan of Saw/Jigsaw. Its an american Horror film based on civil engineer called kramer who is dying from a tumour. After Kramer tried committing suicide, he found a new way of appreciation for his life dictating the way people lived and testing their will to live. He played games with these other people which involved a seriously deadly scenarios. He was given the name Jigsaw because if these people failed the games he would carve a jigsaw piece from their flesh. Most of the time you would see Kramer on an old tv screen in a white robe setting up these games around various places or as a billy puppet on a red trike with red swirls on his check.

The makeup took an incredible 6 hours to apply this included making the hair black and wild and airbrushing makeup to get achieve a flawless look. whilst the makeup was being applied we did capture some amazing time lapse videos which i will share later.

Photographers then arrived for 4pm to start shooting, we did a range of sets including some indoors and outdoors in the dark. The photographers who came along all walked away with smiles on theirs faces and this is what i like to see on my shoots. Happy photographers + happy model = incredible images.

Here are a few images taken from the night, i will be posting some more later on the creative makeup page. so please go check that out if you haven't already seen it on my website.

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